How to repair dongle after debugger and similar tools usage - PAID
1. Look at line 13 here
2. Contact to any seller
3. Send your dongle S/N to seller
4. Ask seller to order Dongle|Account repair processing fee in case of other usage rules violation for your S/N
5. After order become completed update dongle firmware with DongleManager
If you have credits at your Infinity account you can make an order instantly via your Infinity Account.
Thank you for fair software usage!
How to repair dongle after debugger and similar tools usage
- Posts: 4188
- Joined: 19 Oct 2011, 20:27
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- Posts: 4188
- Joined: 19 Oct 2011, 20:27
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How to repair dongle after debugger and similar tools usage - FREE
How to repair dongle after debugger and similar tools usage - FREE
NOTE: Use it only once, 2nd time repair will be PAID
1. Sign In to Support Forum
2. Create HERE new thread
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After that you will get your dongle repaired in a short time.
Thank you for fair software usage!
P.S. If your have not enough skills to register at Support Forum (repair takes 1-2 hours) you can use Backup Forum (repair takes up to 48 hours)
NOTE: Use it only once, 2nd time repair will be PAID
1. Sign In to Support Forum
2. Create HERE new thread
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I will never use any debug or crack tools with Infinity software because it is usage rules violation
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Dear Friends,
Please never never never use any debug or crack tools with Infinity software.
You may kill your dongles.
Repair after that is paid.
I will neveruse any debug or crack tools with Infinity software because it is usage rules violation and repair is PAID
How to use use debug or crack tools with Infinity see here
S/N to repair: ... your S/N ...
Thank you for fair software usage!
P.S. If your have not enough skills to register at Support Forum (repair takes 1-2 hours) you can use Backup Forum (repair takes up to 48 hours)