4. Click to "Upgrade dongle firmware" button
5. Click to "Next" button several times
6. Wait several minutes, DO NOT disconnect box from PC !
7. Use Activator.exe and register your SPT-Box once again after Smart-Card firmware update !
==== [2015.04.04. 12:43:01] ====
Dongle Manager v1.3
HWID: 01056E6C147D1292
----------Process started: 2015.04.04. 12:43:11----------
DongleManager version: 1.3
PC HWID: 278D1C0D9890E79252EE99DEF0945938
Card-Reader: DITS DITS USB CCID Smart Card Reader 0
Locating server...
Server address found
Connecting to server
Server connection successfully established
Checking DongleManager version...
Your DongleManager is up-to-date
Checking Dongle Identification...
S/N: 0000432901056E6C, Firmware: 0004
Authenticating on server...
Authentication successfull
Service stage 1 confirmed
Securing session...
Error securing session:
Server reported error:[0036] Smart-card access keys is incorrect or damaged.
Smart-card can not be upgraded any more !
It is quite rare situation and we are sure that it is not an our fault !
This smart-card can not be replaced for free !
This kind of problem is not an our fault, it is a result of harmful activity of other software !
dallos wrote:==== [2015.04.04. 12:43:01] ====
Dongle Manager v1.3
HWID: 01056E6C147D1292
----------Process started: 2015.04.04. 12:43:11----------
DongleManager version: 1.3
PC HWID: 278D1C0D9890E79252EE99DEF0945938 Card-Reader: DITS DITS USB CCID Smart Card Reader 0
Locating server...
Server address found
Connecting to server
Server connection successfully established
Checking DongleManager version...
Your DongleManager is up-to-date
Checking Dongle Identification...
S/N: 0000432901056E6C, Firmware: 0004
Authenticating on server...
Authentication successfull
Service stage 1 confirmed
Securing session...
I think its a problem with Card-Reader.
Server send data to your Smart-Card but Card can not be programmed.
You can insert Smart-Card into another Card-Reader (or Box) and try again.