Today I tried to update my Infinity-Box but faced this error. Now Softwares are unable to detect box.
Code: Select all
=== DongleManager [Infinity] v1.88 [11/23/2021 4:27:08 PM] ===
Box/Dongle type selected: Infinity-Box/Dongle [CM2]
Card-Reader: Gemalto e-gate Smart Card 0
HWID: 00029553FF021982
=== Started: 11/23/2021 4:27:08 PM ===
Connecting to server...
Connection successfully established
Checking DongleManager version...
DongleManager is up-to-date
Checking Dongle Identification...
Authenticating on server...
Authentication successfull
Service stage 1 confirmed
Securing session...
Session secured Ok
Wait 4-5 minutes, DO NOT disconnect Smart-Card
Card returned error: 6D00 at 377/8206
Error upgrading applets:
Card returned error: 6D00 at 377/8206