- Card-Reader
- Smart-Card
Smart-Card (white color Sim Card) is most important part of the Dongle, it costs about 90% of Dongle price.

Card-Reader is standard widely used Smart-Card Reader and it help to connect Smart-Card to PC. It may looks different and have different color.

If your Dongle has an issue make this:
1. Be sure you have Card-reader Drivers installed well. Download Card-Reader Drivers here https://infinity-box.com/support/?s=2
Related error messages:
Code: Select all
Error when listing readers
Cannot find a smart card reader
2. Try to connect Dongle to another USB port
3. Try to connect Dongle to another PC
4. Try to insert Smart-Card into another Card-Reader or Box this way:
- Remove Smart-Card form Card-Reader
- Insert Smart-Card into any other Card-Reader
After that run Infinity DongleManager and make [Read S/N]
If you have success it means Smart-Sard is Ok ut Card-Reader is bad. In this case you must use another Card-Reader. You can buy Card-reader f.e. HERE
If problem still exist:
- Remove Smart-Card from Card-Reader
- Clean Smart-Card contacts
- Try to use hot air gun and very gently heat Smart-Card
- Insert Smart-Card back to Card-Reader
If problem still exist:
It looks like it's hardware problem and you should buy new Dongle with Smart-Card
Here is list of Sellers who sell Dongles https://infinity-box.com/buy/
If you have additional activations at your damaged Dongle it is possible to transfer it to another CM2 or [BEST] Dongle.
Contact to support via e-mail, see e-mail here https://infinity-box.com/contact/